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CBI Court Discharges 3 Cops in Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case

2004 Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case updates

CBI Court Discharges 3 Cops in Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case

CBI Court Discharges 3 Cops in Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case

special CBI court discharged police officers G L Singhal, Tarun Barot and Anaju Chaudhary in the 2004 Ishrat Jahan alleged fake encounter case. Special CBI judge V R Raval allowed the discharge applications of Singhal, Barot (now retired) and Chaudhary. #IsratJahanCase​ #CBIcourt​ #Gujratpolice​ #CapitalTV​ #CapitalTVOnline

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